Monday, December 19, 2011

Un-Shampoo update and Oil Cleaning Method for my face

It's been almost three weeks since I stopped using shampoo and my hair is looking great. In fact, when I had my shower today, I noticed that I didn't really need to wash it, but it had been more than a few days, so I thought it might be best to give it an un-wash. I really doubt I'll ever go back to shampoo. And I'm wondering if any of my readers have given the baking soda method a try. If you have, let me know how it's working!

On top of the baking soda shampoo method, I started using oils to clean my face. I mentioned it in the Un Shampoo post, and after I bought my castor oil, I gave it a try. Simple Mom talks about it here Simple Mom: How to Clean your Face Naturally

Instead of olive oil, I used canola oil, since we didn't have any olive in the house and it seems to be working fine. I poured a little bit of canola into a bowl and about the same amount of castor oil. I then mixed them together, got a bit on my fingers and massaged into my face for about a minute or two. Then, as directed, I wet a face cloth with hot water, as hot as I could handle it, and let that sit on my face until it cooled to room temperature, about another minute. Then I used that face cloth to remove any excess oil from my face before hopping in the shower. After almost two weeks of this, I've surprisingly had no horrible acne breakouts and haven't needed to use lotion or even makeup. My face is super soft and really clean, and like the baking soda on my hair, my face feels cleaner for longer. It doesn't get super greasy and feels and looks amazing.

So I ask my husband to feel my face. He does, and then kind of looks at me. I said well, I haven't used soap on it in over a week and he says 'well then I should wash my hands'. Then he says 'well it's not my face' and I asked him to elaborate. He said it's not shiny. DING DING DING! I said, nope and it's not zit city, which, as we're taught as teenagers, is the sign of a dirty, oily face. Oils trap dirt in your pores and that causes pimples. So if I don't have a zit city living on my face, I can say with a fair amount of confidence, that this works!

So, anyone willing to try this out with me? I never thought I'd be so into all these natural things, but a two minute facial before every shower, not having to decide which face soap, scrub, toner, moisturizer, etc, OR which shampoo, conditioner, etc to buy, what's not to love about all of that?


  1. I've been thinking about the un-shampoo, and just haven't gotten around to bringing the baking soda upstairs with me! I think I am going to try tonight, so we'll see how that goes. I'm a head and shoulders addict!

    I've used oil to wash my face for a long time. I love it. I don't use the castor oil though, just olive oil. I love the way my skin feels!

  2. totally going to give the un-shampoo a try. my hair has been sooo greasy lately i've been having to wash it everyday.

  3. Courtney, I'll have to look into the raw honey. Sounds delicious! And definitely try the baking soda. One tablespoon in one cup of warm water.

    Susanne, I leave a box of baking soda and a small funnel under my bathroom sink and mix in a peri bottle as needed. I also used to be a head and shoulders addict, and this cleared up my dandruff after one use! I was shocked. And the oil cleaning method for your face can be adjusted for how oily or dry your skin is, so if the olive oil is working great on its own then it's that much easier for you!

    Lisa, definitely try the baking soda. I'm gradually noticing that I don't have to wash my hair as often. The first few times were every two days and now it's stretched to 3-4. And like I said, even before washing it today, I noticed that it didn't really need it.

  4. I'll try it with you. I did the baking soda one day (didn't have any Apple Cider Vinegar to condition with) and I thought my hair was going to break off. It was a frizzy mess...granted I'm sure if I stick with it, I will see a difference, so will be heading to the store to buy the vinegar and a bottle to put it in. Will have to look into the oil to clean my face since my face is SUPER BEYOND OILY and I have cystic pimples.

  5. Interesting post, Ash! I'm trying the Moroccan Method for shampoo/conditioner/etc. The box came yesterday and I'm excited to get a chance to try the new products.

  6. I've done the OCM for two weeks now and the first week was face cleared up and I was no longer "shiny" by the middle of the day. Week two...OMG...I have an acne mine field on my forehead, cheeks, and chin. I am going to adjust my mixture to see if it changes anything, but this is just horrible.

  7. Just stumbled onto your blog and like what i'm reading. I'm 56 and haven't used any kind of cleaner on my face except water and a washcloth since i was in my 20's. (i gave up cleaners due to allergies) My skin is in far better condition than that of my contemporaries who spend oodles of $$$ on skin stuff. So it's a decision i'm glad i made. As far as shampoo, i gave that up a long time ago (other than using very diluted shampoo once every few months) in favour of water and wiping my hair (it's hip length) with a microfiber cloth to remove excess dirt and oils. No conditioner, no tangles, i'm very happy with the results.

  8. Nice updates, I am using Benzoyl for acne, I have noticed that my overall complexion is improving and the acne problem is significantly reducing.
